Project Kidsight
Early vision screening can provide significant long term benefits for children. Vision problems are prevalent in 25% of all school children in the U.S. Some problems that can permanently affect vision are best treated at an early age. By the time children enter school the treatment may not be as effective and can be more costly. Research has indicated that:
- If caught early, 95% of vision issues can be corrected
- 80% of what children learn by age 12 is visually acquired
- 70% of juvenile delinquents have a vision issue
- 80% of children diagnosed with a learning disability have an undiagnosed vision issue

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How Does This Work?
The Clarkston Area Lions use a state of the art Plusoptix digital camera that quickly takes a picture of the child’s eyes and immediately provides the results of the analysis. A report is printed indicating the “Pass” or “Refer” status, along with all pertinent detail. “Pass” indicates that no vision problem was detected at this time, while “Refer” recommends that the child be seen by an eye care professional. The system, which is completely non-invasive, has an accuracy rating of 98%. Conditions which are checked for include:
- Anisometropia (difference in eye strength)
- Astigmatism (blurred vision)
- Hyperopia (farsightedness)
- Myopia (nearsightedness)
- Corneal reflexes/Strabismus (asymmetric vision)
- Anisocoria (unequal pupils)
Finally, most schools will accept the results of this screening for their vision requirements.